Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sponge Bob Square Pant Teeth

I apologize for not blogging very much lately. We have been so busy from camping in Bear Lake going to Lagoon and Camping again. I haven't had time to for anything. I also have forgot my camera every time. So I took some pictures of Tacoma playing with his new favorite toy a card board box he loves to open the flaps sit in and it push it. I don't know why I have bought him toys. My Dad had been calling Tacoma, Sponge Bob because of his two huge teeth. They look cute but they are dangerous, lately he has been coming up to me and biting my leg and when I pick him up he bites my shoulder. I get so mad but he thinks its funny. I have also been trying to teach Tacoma sign Language he does not get it and just gives my weird looks. If any one has ideas on how to teach Baby sign Language let me know.



Hey Amber...cute pics. I can't believe how big Tacoma is getting. So for some reason I can't find your current number anywhere. I was just writing to tell you about the get together with our roommates. It's at 2:00 on Sat. at Brit's parents house. I hope you can still make it up here. Brit is planning on either doing chicken on the grill or cold cut sandwiches and we are all supposed to bring sides. I am doing fresh fruit kabobs and cookies. So feel free to bring whatever you'd like! Brit is doing drinks too. There will be water stuff for the kids, so bring Tacoma's swimsuit. Call me or email me if you get this to let me know if you'll be able to make it. my email is

Love ya

Carolina said...

hola tanto tiempo!!
tengo que decir que tu bebe esta hermoso,esta creciendo muy rapido:D
no se si te dije q tenemos un blog tambien? bueno aqui esta la direccion:
asi puedes saber como estamos.
espero q todo este bien con ustedes.
