Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mother of five for a week

Abuela with Mauriella, Tacoma, Kate, Sam, and Andrew Tacoma with his glasses Jumping on the Tramp with all of Stephs kids Tacoma hangin out with Emily's kids Mason and Kache Me and Tacoma came up to Logan the day after we moved in to our new house in Price. So we still have boxes everywhere. Steph and Ben went to Florida and she asked me to take care of her kids from the 18th to 25th. Now I know why Steph is so tired all the time. It is hard work. It feels like I jumped in to run a marathon with out training for it. Steph has at least build up endurance to go to Logan from Wellsville 5 times a day for Piano lessons, soccer practice, Ballet, gymnastics and grocery shopping. I have jumped from one child to 5 in one week and I am totally exhausted. I am not going to have five children under the age of 7 from this experience. I have had fun but have lost my temper a few times. It is more tiring to help each child do their chores than clean the whole house myself and takes twice as long. the 3 and 5 year old like to destroy the house when I am not looking and the 8 year old loves to argue her way out of everything.

1 comment:

Brit said...

I hear you Amber!!! So glad you are back:)