Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring is here!

Spring is finally here we have had really warm days, cold days, and really windy days over 30 MPH. Any time it is warm enough we go out side to play in the dirt and get on the swings. Tacoma likes to close his eyes any time someone looks at him at the store or when I want him to do something like smile. I think he figures we just disappear, its a pretty good strategy.


Julie said...

Malia is so pretty. She is going to break hearts as she gets older. Let me know how Tacoma's allergy appointment went.

Carolanne said...

I love your kid's hats. My son won't leave one on for more than seconds. I hate how windy it's been too. It makes it really hard to get out and play. Great for kites though, I have to admit.

Ben and Michelle said...

I love Malia's hat with the big bow. Adorable!