Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A.The rules of the game are posted at the beginning. B. Each player answers the questions about themselves. C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. 10 Years Ago: I was in Drivers ED. I was playing Club Soccer with Devastation 5 Things on my to-do list today: Well, 5 things for tomorrow are: 1. Run 2. Clean the Kitchen 3. take care of Tacoma and Cooper (my nephew) 4. Make Chocolate Cake for Enrichment tonight 5. Scrapbook Snacks I enjoy: I love to snack on Cereal, Apples with peanut butter, Chips and Salsa Things I would do if I were a billionaire: Buy a new house, buy a ticket to Kauai to go with the rest of my family, pay off student loans, help my little sisters finish school 3 of my bad habits: 1. Don't like to get ready Stay in PJ's or sweats all day 2. Making too much food and not helping Paul eat the leftovers 3. Not a good listener 5 places I have lived: 1.Logan Utah 2. Salt Lake 3. Hailey, Idaho (born there) 4. Wellsville, Utah 5. 5 jobs I have had: 1. Worked at Orange Julius 2. Personal trainer 3. C.N.A at Providence Assisted living 4. Manager of HYPR building at USU 5. Teacher (Spanish and ESL) 5. 5 things people don't know about me: 1. I was born in Idaho 2. Played soccer for a National Championship. Still the only team from Utah to make it to Nationals 3. Currently training to run the Wasatch 100 with my sisters this summer 4. I have a National "C" license to coach soccer 5. I am attending a Spanish Bransh and I am the second counsler in the Relief Society Who should I tag? Emily, Stephany, Missy, Britt and Roxy

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Hi Amber- it is Maureen! I am so happy I found your blog! Tacoma is so cute!