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Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mariyln Monroe, Elvis, and Pluto are back
Hey everyone,
We finally got the internet back. Sorry I'm a horrible blogger.Any way we have been doing good. Tacoma got glasses last month and hates to wear them the only time he wears them is when we go to the park and he gets distracted. He only wears them 30-45 min a day the rest of the time he tears them of his head. I don't know what to do to make him wear his glasses longer. I went up to Logan last weekend we played soccer and threw a Halloween party. Steph and Emily are awesome they have been playing soccer three times a week with ton of moms, they let their kids run wild and play. We got together on Friday and played outdoor 6 v 6. It was great to see some of my old team mates from Mountain Crest.If you want to play they play every Friday at noon in Nibley.
Any way the Halloween party was awesome We ate Carmel apples, tons of candy and played games.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I am a slacker
Hey everybody
I am sorry I haven't been able to update me blog. We are now staying in Provo with Paul's parents. and No we still have now sold our house. We are there trying to help Paul's mom out because she is sick. They have no Internet so I have to go to my sister in laws house to use her computer. We have been so busy this summer. Tacoma is growing so fast. He can now through away his own diaper when I tell him to in Spanish. We got him a basketball hoop that he loves to shoot everything into. That why he loves throwing things away in the garbage. Any way I will post again soon.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Stevie gets his Eagle
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sponge Bob Square Pant Teeth
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Tacoma first Birthday
I decorated the Tiger cake. It took three hours way too long. Next year I will probably buy one. We celebrated with Paul's Family. Tacoma took 12 steps today on top of his grandparents counter. All of the cousins stood around and counted together. He walked towards a flower vase, he needed something bright to destract him so that he forgot he is walking.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Ragnar Wasatch back Relay
Me Steph and Elizabeth competed in the Wasatch back. We ran from Logan to Park City on a Relay team 180 miles. It was definitely the hardest thing I have ever done. We started running at 8:20 Friday Morning and didn't finish until about 5:00 on Saturday. We got 1-2 hours of sleep in the car. We ran, ate,slept repeat for 34 hours. The 12 of us had 3 legs we had to run. I ran 17 miles, Elizabeth ran 16, and Steph ran 15. The hard part was running with out sleep in the middle of the day 95 degrees. It is amazing what you can push your body through. A lot of people think that it is harder than a marathon just because it is so exhausting. I don't know about 26 miles straights I begin to loose my mind. Any way it was tons of fun can't wait to do it again. Only next time I am not running 7.5 miles up a Avon pass(a hug mountain)
Gate way to Park City
I have been so busy this last month, I haven't had time to blog. Here are some pictures of us at the Gate way mall. Steph and Emily came down with their kids on Fathers day weekend. The next week I was up in Park city scrap booking, swimming and shopping it was fun. Steph rented a condo for the week and all of us were able to stay there. Me and Steph didn't get much sleep because of Mauriella and Tacoma waking each other up all night. Emily came up for one night with Mason. It was fun but very exhausting.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Paul passed his Physical Therapy Exam
Paul found out a couple weeks ago that he passed his exam that he has been studying night and day for. He looked in the mail box every day to be disapointed, finaly it came on Friday. We were getting ready to leave to run erands so me and Tacoma were sitting in the car. Paul opened his letter in the drive way and started yelling at the top of his lungs Yahooooo!!!!!! . It was kind of funny because our neighbor was outside and said "what , did you get your government check" Paul just laughed and said even better I passed my test. Paul started work the next Tuesday in Heriman. If you don't know where that is it is by the cenecot mine South West part of Salt lake Valley. So we are going to move and we are trying to fix our house up to sell. I am so sick of painting and working on the house hopefully it pays off.
Tacoma, Mauriella and Andrew
Me and Steph pushed 4 kids up a hill for our run on Thursday. We crammed three kids into a double stroller. Mauriella and Tacoma cried for the first part and by the end they were cheek to cheek a sleep. Its amazing what moms have to do to get a run in when you have so many kids I don't know how steph does it. I had a fun weekend with Steph and her kids we also celebrated me and Brandon's B-day on Friday. Emily made us both cake and made us some good food. Saturday we went to Marsela (our cousins) quincenera her fifteenth birthday party. It was good to see all of my family.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Paul Finally Graduates with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy
We went to Paul's Hooding Ceremony on Wednesday. It was a not exactly organized. Paul and his class mates have been going once a month for the last three years to raise money for the Graduation. The class president wanted to have a nice dinner for each of the students families. Paul could only invite 10 people when there are 11 kids in his family so no spouses were invited and luckily someone couldn't come. I was planning on a nice formal dinner. (Not quite) When we got there Paul's Dad had saved us a table but there were only 12 tables and 43 in his graduating class if you do the math not enough room for everyone. We waited in line forever for the the food, they ran out and we ended up eating crackers, cheese and fruit. I was angry but didn't want to ruin Paul's big day. After that we went into another room for the hooding ceremony, the speakers were boring but It was nice to see each student get honored in what he is specializing in. After the ceremony we went out to eat because we were still hungry. The next day was sopose to be the graduation for the college of Health but we decided not to go. We had enough Graduation fun the day before. Any way Paul is finally graduated but still needs to take his final test to get licensed as a Physical Therapist. He takes the test May 9Th. So you probably wont see him before that because he is studying day and night I am surprised to see him when he comes out of his cave for food and water (JK) I want to tell Paul that I am so proud of him. Paul now has a Doctorate degree from the University of Utah. This has been the longest three years of my life!
Curly hair boy!
I have been stopped in the store by people telling me what a cute girl I have. He has nothing feminine on, everything is blue. But maybe it is the hair and the long eye lashes, they are longer than mine. Any way Tacoma is pulling him self up on to everything. He is walking along the couch and furniture. He is getting into everything I had fake pine trees I had to hide because he kept pulling them on his head. Tacoma has also been a pain in the neck he now has 4 teeth and is always in pain. He has refused to eat, I cant wait until this teething process is over.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Tacoma is 9 months
I have been so busy lately, I have been painting the house and trying to take care of two babies at the same time. It took me almost 2 weeks to paint the ceilings and base boards and prep the walls for painting and take off wall paper. Steph came on Friday and we painted the whole house in a 1 1/2 days. We did it so fast not to mention her 4 children and Tacoma getting in the way. Stephs kids did awesome they mostly watched movies the whole time. We neglected Tacoma and Mauriella during that time but we got it done. Hopefully we can get the outside of the house painted in the next couple of weeks. Paul has not been able to help too much because he has been busy getting ready for his final test to get his Physical Therapy License. He graduates May 1st we are so excited! And I am so proud of him.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Joseph and Emma Smith
We just celebrated the anniversary of the Relief Society last week, and they asked Paul to dress as brother Joseph. Not that Paul looks anything like Joseph Smith, but since he had the last name they gave him the part. I wanted to make sure he looked the part so I dressed up as Emma. It was neat to pretend to be such great people especially when we acted out the first Relief Society meeting and Joseph called Emma to be the first president. Emma is truly a great example to me to see everything she went through. When I think that my life is hard I always look at her life and wonder how she did it, and remember how blessed I truly am.
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